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You’ll step into a deeper remembering of your womb mysteries and how to support yourself as a womxn. As you synchronize your lifestyle, self care and practices with your body’s natural rhythm, you’ll support yourself to heal from imbalances, pms, hormone disruption and challenging cycles.
You’ll empower your ability to break from imbalanced living to create a loving, comfortable, rewarding and honorable relationship with your body & lunar cycle.
This video workshop brings you through each phase of the moon and highlights the gifts most accessible at that time through your body, emotions, and energy. You'll get tips on how to align with the changing phases and ride the flowing cycle to harness your natural strengths.
You'll learn how to quit swimming upstream, and go with the flow to release imbalances and boost your best assets each phase.
This simple guide is meant to support you in exploring the changing tides with an insight into how to connect with the different phases of the lunar and menstrual cycle.
You can support yourself with the challenges that might arise, and emphasize the qualities and strengths more available to you at each different phase.
Embrace the gifts amplified with each particular phase, and ride the changing current with more grace and ease.
In this masterclass you'll clarify the top three reasons why PMS happens from the Ayurvedic perspective.
You'll explore how PMS is expressed with each dosha energy type through specific symptoms so you can better understand what your body and emotions are communicating to you.
Get specific daily actions, lifestyle and diet changes to heal and fall in love with your cycle.
In this Women Gone Vibrant interview with Ayurvedic menopause specialist Alexander Epple, you'll go deeper into our relationship with living in a lunar cycle and why it's so important in modern day society. You'll see how menstrual symptoms, and the cycle, impacts the experience of menopause and how to support yourself to prepare for the transition.
The Moon Cycles Chart will show you how to track your cycle. You'll learn how to take note, monitor and reflect on the shifting tides of your cycle. Through physical, emotional and energetic mapping you'll learn to witness patterns and cycles within, and how to align your lifestyle for better support and transformation.